Peace of Pie

The project was to revamp an existing pizza place with very little direction from the client. The team created a brand identity by coming up with a catchy name "Peace of Pie" and designing a recognizable logo, as well as creating assets and patterns that could be used for social media and other promotional materials.
Peace of Pie
1.5 Weeks


The challenge was to create a brand identity for a pizza place with very little direction from the client. The team had to come up with a catchy name and design that could appeal to a wide audience.


The team spent a significant amount of time brainstorming and came up with the name "Peace of Pie," which was a fun pun that conveyed the idea of enjoying pizza in a peaceful and relaxed environment. They then created a recognizable logo and designed various assets and patterns that could be used for social media and other promotional materials.


Despite the limited direction and tight timeline, the team was able to create a successful brand identity that resonated with the client and their customers. The catchy name and design helped the pizza place stand out in a competitive market and attract a wide audience. The client was satisfied with the end result and the pizza place saw an increase in business as a result of the rebranding effort.

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